Why you should WRITE.

Dr Marcus Gottschalk
3 min readJun 16, 2022

4 reasons of how writing makes you a better person.

While writing, I am thinking: WHY? Why do I write? What gives me the kicks?

I don’t want to write to make money.
I don’t need fame. Am I vain?

Still, here I am. Sitting on my desk and writing. Not the writing I know from movies: full ashtrays, deep thoughts, big sighs.

Writing excites. My heart is pounding. I am excited to let go of my thoughts and ideas.

Here are four reasons why you should write:

Writing is like therapy.

The beauty of therapy is thinking for yourself. Thinking about stuff you usually not think about. I am not seeing a therapist because I have to. Not because I need help. I see a therapist as a luxury. More valuable like a new pair of shoes. Shoes you don’t even unpack after buying. Therapy gives me the luxury to discover thoughts, gives me new perspective, makes me a rich.

I experience something similar with writing. I have random thoughts. New thoughts. I can explore and investigate. Writing makes me rich; in my heart.

Writing is like being on drugs.

You might have guessed. I am not the druggy. So, how should I know? My drugs are different. They called road biking, snowboarding or…



Dr Marcus Gottschalk

I write for Men over 50. I am one of them. I have a MSc in Mechanical Engineering, hold a Doctor in Coaching & Mentoring, and own CLP a leadership consultancy.