50+ and my belly fat that kills.

Dr Marcus Gottschalk
2 min readOct 3, 2022

Let it melt away. Use smaller plates.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

I write for Men over 50. I am one of them.

I want to live ’til 100. So, tummy fat does not work for me.

We all know about the detrimental effects of being overweight. Too much abdominal fat is related to diabetes 2, heart-related illnesses, high cholesterol, insulin resistance and a 1000 more things that kill.

Doh, genius, lose weight!

And so many do not and can not!

We know them all. The diets: Keto, low carb, plant-based, Mediterranean, DASH, MIND, volumetrics etc.

Why should they work, if they don’t change behaviour.

And we all know the best exercises to lose weight. Google can show you 566,000 videos to watch how to martyr your body.

Allow me to approach the topic from an engineering mindset. I lose weight with this: eat less. BTW the Germans say simply FDH. (Friß die Hälfte)

Eat healthy and eat less. You will not lose weight in seconds and not with a 30 day promises. But you will lose weight. Slowly, sustainably. Because you will create a new habit. A pattern. You will consume less.

Now comes the engineering trick. Measure your intake. Measure in a simple, memorable and easy way. Measure the…



Dr Marcus Gottschalk

I write for Men over 50. I am one of them. I have a MSc in Mechanical Engineering, hold a Doctor in Coaching & Mentoring, and own CLP a leadership consultancy.